Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sweden: A Place of Beauty and A Wake-Up Call Into Reality

Sweden was so BEAUTIFUL! It was lovely. They had AMAZING bread and chocolate. America, you fail on bread. :P haha. We spent a lot of our time in Old Town Stockholm where the roads were composed with cobblestone and the buildings were hundreds of years old. All of the shops were small and quaint. They had many cafes. The Swedes also had VERY strong coffee. It was like expresso pretty much. It was normal. American coffee will probably taste like water when I have some again. Haha.

Though the town and country was beautiful there was something very wrong with spirituality and moral basis. There was none...any crime could be excused if the person was drunk. Everyone did want they wanted to and didn't think it was bad as long as they didn't feel guilt. Though there were many lost souls I met some AMAZING Swedish Christians who were strong and stood up for their faith even though they live in the most secular country in the WORLD. They had a fire passion. They asked questions. They were thirsty to know MORE and not just settled for some knowledge. They were kind and friendly and genuine people. I am glad I met them. I loved hearing they had to say about Americans. It was extremely funny sometimes but never offensive. I have to dedicate this blog to them so here's to: Olive, Natalia, My, Arash, Josef, and Erika!!! :D You guys really made the trip worth while. I wouldn't have traded it for anything else or for more time for scenery because I would rather know the hearts of Sweden and not just the land that won't talk back to me or be my friend. So here's to Swedes! May God bless all of you and your country and for all the other lost souls that haven't been reached yet! May God speak through you and win souls for the kingdom through all of you!!!

Love you guys!,
Lydia :)